Special Interest Groups
Special Interest Groups help members connect on a more personal level and tend to be rewarding and fulfilling. Form a group comprised of members sharing a common interest (Book Club, Mommy ‘n Me, Sister Mixers) with the intention of having this group create a bond with one another as well as the alumnae group. Interest Groups should have a chairman to be a liaison between the SIG and the alumnae chapter or association.
Spine and Wine Book Club: Third Thursday of the month (Sept. – May) at 7:00PM
For the readers in our chapter we formed a casual monthly book club. We meet at 7:00 in members’ homes. Light snacks are provided by the hostess (BYOB). Contact Judy Jeter at jljeter@swbell.net if you are interested in joining us!
Lunch Bunch: Last Monday of each month at 11:45AM
We get together at various local restaurants for a fun lunch with sisters. Stay as long or as short as you like! We omit Monday holidays and combine November and December. Please contact Carole Wilkinson, cwilkin253@aol.com, if you are interested in being a part of our fun “bunch”!