Houston Northwest alumnae chapter of Delta Gamma
The Houston Northwest alumnae chapter’s goals are to RENEW FRIENDSHIPS, INITIATE NEW FRIENDSHIPS, HAVE FUN and "DO GOOD". Here’s some information about our chapter. Our chapter is made up of women of varied ages with varied interests in the Houston Northwest area. Our events are generally held on the 2nd Thursday of the month. We meet at 7:00 p.m. in a member’s home or other fun venues. We have several Special Interest Groups which include Spine and Wine book club, and Lunch Bunch.
The Houston Northwest Alumnae chapter works to DO GOOD in several ways:
• The chapter gives financial support to several nearby collegiate chapters: Gamma Sigma at the University of Houston, Beta Eta at the University of Texas and Eta Gamma at Texas A&M University.
• At Founders Day we give a scholarship to a member of Gamma Sigma who has exceptional grades and has rendered outstanding service to the chapter.
• At the end of the school year, we give two scholarships to collegians from the Houston Northwest area. One is for an Outstanding New Member and the other is for an Outstanding Senior.
• We support Houston Delta Gamma Foundation with members serving on the Board of Trustees, as liaison members, and by participation in their annual fundraiser.
• We save Box Tops for Education which can be uploaded using the app to benefit Texas School for the Blind and Visually Impaired in Austin, TX.
• We support the Delta Gamma Foundation through service for sight hours and an annual monetary donation.
• We give financial support to Prevent Blindness and the Houston Lighthouse for the Blind. The Houston Northwest chapter supports and is a member of the Houston Area Panhellenic Association.